The Perfect Trump Storm

Nancy Bawanah a.k.a Brammer
3 min readJan 8, 2021

Democracy Challenged By Our Own President

Photo by CNN

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” Albert Einstein

Today the perfect Trump storm happened, January 6, 2021. There were a lot of important things going on politically speaking. The official certification of the votes for the Presidential Election, for one. The runoff election for the Senate race in Georgia and a conveniently placed Trump rally near the Capitol Building.

Once it seemed likely the democrats would take both seats in Ga, Trump incited his followers to take the Capitol Building.

Today at the Capitol Building of the United States of America was taken over by our own people, a group of Trump supporters. Trump is the religion, this Superior Narcissist, in my humble opinion, leads these under-educated, white supremacist, and followers that make up his Cult. They are completely mindless.

I can’t explain the shock and anger I felt as I watched this unbelievable tragedy unfold before my eyes. Our democracy challenged, again OUR democracy challenged, like never before, by our own people. As I write this my body still…



Nancy Bawanah a.k.a Brammer

A writer, dreamer, lifetime learner who needs to be in the know . Favorite topics include politics, technology (AI) parenting & alternative medicine.